
A sample of some of the lovely projects we have worked on or created

Request to become a client

We are very selective of the projects and clients we take on the projects have to excite us, with modern tech, a new approach of how to do things, we are most enamoured by medical, sporting apps and IoT.  It is a major bonus if your project is ethical or it is a project you and other teams have struggled to develop or get just right.

Submit Request

Fill in our online form describing, your company, your project, what issues you have and its purpose.

Request Analysed

Our team analyse your requirements and company and see if it fits with our process and type of works.

Video Conference

If your project is selected we will organise a video call to thrash out requirements and terms of business.


Once terms and and contracts signed we put you through our onboarding process giving you transparency of your project.

ENquire Now